Aar Kori Na Bhoy Lyrics

Aar Kori Na Bhoy Lyrics | আর করি না ভয় | Nilanjan Ghosal

Aar Kori Na Bhoy Lyrics

যদি পোষাক ছোট হয়
তুমি করেছো অন্যায়
ঢেকে রাখো সর্বশরীর
আর হবে না ভয়
তবে বলো কেন ছ’মাসেরও শিশুও ধর্ষিত হয়
আর করি না ভয়
আমরা পরবো যেটা ইচ্ছে হয়
করবো যেটা ইচ্ছে হয়
তোমাদের আর করি না ভয়

এই রাজ্যের প্রশাসন
দোষীকেই করেছে গোপন
‘বাংলা নিজের মেয়েকেই চায়’
দারুন প্রহসন
তুমি প্রমাণ লোপাট করছো এবং মারছো যেমন ইচ্ছে হয়
আর করি না ভয়
চুপ করে থাকা আর নয়
এই অত্যাচার আর নয়
আর করি না ভয়

তুমি ভয় দেখাও দারুন
আবার মুখ করে করুন
পথে পথে ছড়িয়ে পড়ুক লড়াইয়ের আগুন
(ওরা) ক্ষমতার জোর দেখিয়ে সভ্যতাকে করছে খুন
এবার পথ ছাড়ুন
যারা সভ্যতাকে করছে খুন
এবার পথ ছাড়ুন
যারা সভ্যতাকে করছে খুন
এবার পদ ছাড়ুন

Meaning of Aar Kori Na Bhoy Lyrics

Aar Kori Na Bhoy lyrics is a powerful and defiant protest against systemic injustice and violence, particularly focusing on issues of sexual violence and the suppression of dissent. Aar Kori Na Bhoy lyrics convey a strong message about personal freedom and resistance to oppression.

Aar Kori Na Bhoy lyrics opening lines address a common accusation made against victims of sexual violence, where they are blamed for their attire. The singer vehemently rejects this notion, emphasizing that the problem lies not with the victims but with the perpetrators. The lines “If the clothing is small, you say it’s wrong” highlight the absurdity of blaming victims for their choice of dress, while the line “Why then are even six-month-old babies assaulted?” underscores the arbitrary and senseless nature of such justifications.

Aar Kori Na Bhoy lyrics continues with a call for freedom and self-expression, asserting that people should be able to wear and do whatever they wish without fear of retribution or violence. This defiance is further emphasized by the lines “We will wear what we want, we will do what we want,” signaling a rejection of societal constraints imposed by those in power.

Aar Kori Na Bhoy Lyrics

Aar Kori Na Bhoy lyrics then shift focus to critique the state’s handling of these issues. The phrase “The administration of the state has concealed the guilty” accuses the authorities of covering up crimes and protecting the perpetrators. The reference to “Bengal wants its own daughter” is a play on a political slogan, which the song uses to mock the administration’s hypocrisy and ineffectiveness. It suggests that instead of addressing the root causes of violence and injustice, the authorities are engaged in superficial and misleading rhetoric.

Aar Kori Na Bhoy Lyrics

The singer expresses frustration with the ongoing abuse of power, stating that the state is manipulating evidence and punishing victims. The demand for change is clear in the lines “No more silence, no more tolerance of this oppression,” which call for an end to passive acceptance and a move towards active resistance.

In the final verses, the song amplifies its call to action, urging listeners to spread the message of resistance and fight against the oppressive forces that undermine civilization. The lines “You wield power to murder civilization” and “Step aside, those who kill civilization” are a direct challenge to those in positions of power who perpetuate violence and corruption. The repeated demand for those responsible to step down highlights the urgency and necessity of accountability and reform.

Overall, Aar Kori Na Bhoy lyrics is a fervent cry against injustice and oppression, advocating for individual freedom and systemic change. It criticizes the hypocrisy of those in power, condemns the blaming of victims, and calls for a collective stand against the forces that perpetuate violence and suppress dissent. The lyrics reflect a deep frustration with the status quo and a passionate desire for a more just and equitable society.

About the Author of the Song

Aar Kori Na Bhoy” is a Bengali song sung by Rupsaa, Saoparna, Agnirik, Neelanjan, Ritoban, Sudhaborshi, and Pritam. Aar Kori Na Bhoy lyrics were written by Neelanjan. The tune and music of “Aar Kori Na Bhoy” were composed by Neelanjan. Aar Kori Na Bhoy mixing and mastering were done by Neelanjan. “Aar Kori Na Bhoy” was released on Nilanjan Ghosal YouTube channel on Aug 17, 2024.

কথা : নীলাঞ্জন
সুর : প্রচলিত
কন্ঠ : রূপসা, সৌপর্ণা, অগ্নিঋক, নীলাঞ্জন, ঋতবান, সুধাবর্ষী, প্রীতম
ভিডিও : রূপসা, নীলাঞ্জন
নিবেদন : শুধু তোমাকেই ভালোবেসে কালেক্টিভ
প্রচার অঙ্কন : নাজমুস সাদাত

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