Tumi Jaao Lyrics | তুমি যাও | Ishan Mitra
Tumi Jaao Lyrics
অনেকটা পথ পেরিয়ে
যদি সব কথা শেষ হয়ে যায়,
ফিরতে চেও না তুমি
বাড়তে থাকা দোটানায়।
মুছে ফেলো পিছুটান
পড়ে থাকা অভিমান,
জমে থাকা অজুহাত যাক উড়ে।
তুমি যাও ফিরে যাও
আরও দূর ভেসে যাও,
মিশে যাও স্রোতে হারিয়ে। (২)
যদি ভালো না লাগে
আর এই আমাকে,
ছেড়ে যেতেই পারো।
গল্পের শেষে ফুরালে সব প্রেম
চলে যেও দূরে আরও।
মুছে ফেলো পিছুটান
পড়ে থাকা অভিমান,
জমে থাকা অজুহাত যাক উড়ে।
তুমি যাও ফিরে যাও
আরও দূর ভেসে যাও,
মিশে যাও স্রোতে হারিয়ে। (২)
Meaning of Tumi Jaao Lyrics
Tumi jaao lyrics convey a message of resilience, letting go of past grievances, and embracing the journey of life. The song encourages moving forward, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. Let’s break down the meaning of the lyrics in a more detailed 400-word paragraph.
Tumi jaao lyrics opens with a reflection on the journey of life, suggesting that despite traversing difficult paths, when everything comes to an end, one should not hesitate to move forward. The phrase “বাড়তে থাকা দোটানায়,” which translates to “in the boat of progress,” implies the importance of continuous growth and not dwelling on the past. It sets the tone for the theme of resilience and the inevitability of facing challenges.
Tumi jaao lyrics next lines emphasize the need to let go of pride and ego, symbolized by the advice to “মুছে ফেলো পিছুটান,” meaning to wipe away the dust of arrogance. The idea of leaving behind the burden of self-importance and choosing humility is expressed through the phrase “পড়ে থাকা অভিমান,” signifying the pride that lies fallen. The suggestion to let go of accumulated grudges and negative emotions is encapsulated in the phrase “জমে থাকা অজুহাত যাক উড়ে,” urging one to rise above the stagnant reservoir of resentment.

As the song progresses, there is a call to move forward, urging the listener to venture further and embrace distance. The repetition of “তুমি যাও ফিরে যাও আরও দূর ভেসে যাও” underscores the importance of continuous exploration and not settling for the comfort of the familiar. It encourages the listener to get lost in the flow of life, allowing oneself to be carried away by the currents of experience.
Tumi jaao lyrics concluding lines bring in an element of love and relationships, suggesting that if the connection is not mutually fulfilling, it is okay to part ways. The phrase “ছেড়ে যেতেই পারো” signifies the freedom to let go and move on when love reaches its conclusion. The metaphor of a story ending and love dispersing as one ventures further encapsulates the inevitability of change and growth.
In summary, tumi jaao lyrics convey a profound message about resilience, humility, and the continuous journey of life. It encourages listeners to release the weight of pride, embrace challenges, and move forward without fear, allowing love and experiences to shape the ever-evolving narrative of one’s life.
About the Author of the Song
Tumi jaao is a bengali song sung by Ishan Mitra. Tumi jaao is written by Aviman Paul. Tumi Jaao was released on SVF Music youtube channel on Jan 26, 2024.
Singer: Ishan Mitra
Composition: Ishan Mitra
Lyrics: Aviman Paul
Audio Production – Ishan Mitra
Guitar: Aranya Sengupta
Strings: Shamik Chakravarty