Mon Jeno Piu Kaha Lyrics | মন যেন পিউ কাঁহা | Anwesha Dutta
Mon Jeno Piu Kaha Lyrics
মন যেন পিউ কাঁহা পাখি আজ
মেঘে মেঘে বৃষ্টির সে কি সাজ,
মন যেন পিউ কাঁহা পাখি আজ
মেঘে মেঘে বৃষ্টির সে কি সাজ,
জলে ভেজা পদ্ম যে গায়ে গায়
কি করে ধরে রাখি অভিমান।
মন যেন পিউ কাঁহা পাখি আজ
মেঘে মেঘে বৃষ্টির সে কি সাজ।
নিশি চাঁদ কানে কানে কথা কয়
এলোচুলে হারাবার একি ভয়,
নিশি চাঁদ কানে কানে কথা কয়
এলোচুলে হারাবার একি ভয়,
সুখ যেন আঁখি বেয়ে ঝরে হায়
পিউ কাঁহা, পিউ কাঁহা গান গায়।
মন যেন পিউ কাঁহা পাখি আজ
মেঘে মেঘে বৃষ্টির সে কি সাজ।
জলে ভেজা পদ্ম যে গায়ে গায়
কি করে ধরে রাখি অভিমান,
অভিমান, হুম হুম..
Meaning of Mon Jeno Piu Kaha Lyrics
Mon jeno piu kaha lyrics expresses a emotion reminiscent of the traditional folk and classical music of the region. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of nature’s elements, combining metaphors and poetic imagery to convey a sense of longing and introspection. The recurring theme of a bird, possibly a peacock (“পিউ কাঁহা পাখি” or “Peu Kaaha Pakhi”), and the setting of a rainy day with clouds and raindrops, create a rich tapestry of emotions.
The singer begins by comparing the heart to a peacock, suggesting a yearning or desire that mirrors the bird’s beauty and elusiveness. The use of the word “সাজ” (saj) to describe the rain evokes a sense of adornment or embellishment, indicating that the rain is like an ornament that enhances the beauty of the surroundings. The repetition of the phrase “মেঘে মেঘে বৃষ্টির সে কি সাজ” (Meghe meghe brishtir she ki saj) further emphasizes the enchanting and decorative nature of the rain.

Mon jeno piu kaha lyrics verses continue to unfold the narrative, introducing elements like the wet lotus singing in the water. This image conveys a sense of natural beauty and harmony, with the lotus symbolizing purity and the water acting as a medium for the bird’s song. The line “কি করে ধরে রাখি অভিমান” (Ki kore dhore rakhi abhiman) introduces the concept of pride or self-esteem, suggesting that the singer is holding onto their dignity despite being immersed in the emotional deluge of the rainy day.
Mon jeno piu kaha lyrics refrain of the song reinforces the central theme, repeating the idea that today the heart is like a peacock, and the rain is adorning the surroundings. The mention of the moon in the later verses adds another layer to the emotions, describing a night where conversations are whispered from ear to ear, creating a sense of intimacy and perhaps secrets shared under the moonlight. The fear of losing oneself in this night, expressed through “একি ভয়” (Eki bhoy), implies a vulnerability or hesitation in the face of intense emotions.
Mon jeno piu kaha lyrics reference to the peacock singing, or “পিউ কাঁহা গান গায়” (Peu kaaha gaan gay), suggests that the bird’s song becomes a metaphor for expressing emotions or desires. The singer seems to be grappling with the complexity of feelings, using the peacock’s song as a symbolic representation of their innermost thoughts.

In summary, this Bengali song weaves together nature, emotions, and symbolism to create a poetic and evocative piece. The recurring imagery of the peacock, rain, and moon, combined with the rich language and metaphors, allows the listener to immerse themselves in the emotional landscape painted by the lyrics. The song captures the essence of a rainy day, exploring themes of desire, pride, and vulnerability with a touch of traditional Bengali musical aesthetics.
Song: Mon Jeno Piu Kaha
Lyrics : Hridi Huq
Tune & Music Composer: Debojyoty Mishra
Singer: Anwesha Dutta
Starring: Abdun Noor Shajal, Sanjida Preeti
Director : Hridi Huq