Emon Jodi Hoto Lyrics | এমন যদি হতো | Joler Gaan
Emon Jodi hoto Lyrics
এমন যদি হতো আমি পাখির মত
উড়ে উড়ে বেড়াই সারাক্ষণ। (x2)
পালাই বহুদূরে, ক্লান্ত ভবঘুরে
ফিরব ঘরে কোথায় এমন ঘর।
বৃক্ষতলে শুয়ে তোমার দুঃখ ছুঁয়ে
বৃক্ষতলে শুয়ে তোমার দুঃখ ছুঁয়ে
ঘুম আসেনা ঘুমও স্বার্থপর।
এমন যদি হতো আমি পাখির মত
উড়ে উড়ে বেড়াই সারাক্ষণ। (x2)
হঠাৎ ফিরে দেখি নিজের মুখোমুখি
শূণ্য ভীষণ শূণ্য মনে হয়।
কী আর এমন হবে, কে পেয়েছে কবে
কী আর এমন হবে, কে পেয়েছে কবে
স্বপ্নগুলো স্বপ্ন হয়েই রয়।
এমন যদি হতো আমি পাখির মত
উড়ে উড়ে বেড়াই সারাক্ষণ। (x2)
হতাম যদি রঙিন প্রজাপতি
ফুলে ফুলে মাতামাতি (x2)
দিনের আলো কাটে উড়ে উড়ে
তোমার আমার গানের সুরে।
বৃক্ষতলে শুয়ে তোমার দুঃখ ছুঁয়ে
বৃক্ষতলে শুয়ে তোমার দুঃখ ছুঁয়ে
ঘুম আসেনা ঘুমও স্বার্থপর।
এমন যদি হত আমি পাখির মত
উড়ে উড়ে বেড়াই সারাক্ষণ। (x2)
Meaning of Emon Jodi Hoto Lyrics
Emon Jodi hoto lyrics appears to be about wanting to escape from the realities of life and the pain that comes with it. The singer longs to be free like a bird, to fly away from their problems. The lyrics talk about feeling empty, tired and unable to find a place to call home. There is also a sense of longing for something unattainable, expressed through the line “Dreams remain just as dreams.” Emon Jodi hoto lyrics fourth verse, the singer imagines being a butterfly, carefree and happy, spending the day flying around to the tune of their own song. The song ends with the chorus repeating the desire to be free like a bird and fly away endlessly.
Emon Jodi hoto lyrics of the song is about the desire to escape from the mundane and stressful realities of life and to become free like a bird. The opening lines of the song, “Emon Jodi Hoto Ami Pakhir Moto, Ure Ure Bedai Sarakshan” (If I were a bird, I would fly and fly endlessly), reflect this sentiment. The singer wishes to be free from the burdens of everyday life and soar like a bird, exploring the world and experiencing its beauty.
The chorus, “Emon Jodi Hoto Ami Pakhir Moto, Ure Ure Bedai Sarakshan” (If I were a bird, I would fly and fly endlessly), is repeated throughout the song, emphasizing the longing for freedom and escape from life’s struggles. Emon Jodi hoto lyrics second half of the song, the singer reflects on the transience of life and how dreams often remain unfulfilled. The lines “Ki ar emon hobe, ke peyechhe kobe, Swapnagulo swapno hoye roye” (What more can happen? Who has achieved what? Dreams remain just dreams) express this sentiment.
About the Emon Jodi Hoto Song
“Emon Jodi Hoto” (also known as “Joler Gaan”) is a popular Bengali song written and composed by Bangladeshi singer and songwriter Faruk Mahfuz Anam, commonly known as James. The song was released in 1997 and quickly became popular for its soothing melody and thoughtful lyrics.

In Conclusion, Emon Jodi Hoto” is a song about the human desire for freedom and the search for a peaceful abode. It reflects on the struggles of everyday life and the fleeting nature of dreams, while also providing a message of hope and the possibility of escaping from the mundane and finding a place of refuge.
Song : Emon Jodi Hoto
Band : Joler Gaan
The song has many popular versions available on the YouTube platform. This lofi version of Joler Gaan has nearly 4.3k views on YouTube. The channel “beepsz” has 27.2k subscribers.