Ebhabe Shekha Prem Amay Lyrics | এভাবে শেখা প্রেম আমায় | Bharga | Arnab Dutta, Adrita Jhinuk
Ebhabe Shekha Prem Amay Lyrics
কেনো আজকাল করছি যে বড় বড়ি
না রেখে গোপন বলছি যে সরাসরি
জানি না কেনো কিসের তারি ঘোরি রাত দিন
ঝেঁপেছে যে প্রেম আজ আনাচে কানাচে
বেসামাল মন পাচ্ছি না সামলাতে
কি করি এখন বাঁচা যে তুই ছাড়া খুব কঠিন
কানে কানে কেউ বলছে যে রূপ কথা
তবু প্রেমে মন করবে না সমঝোতা
কেটে যায় দিন কেনো যে আজথা তুই বিহীন
এভাবে শেখা প্রেম আমায় এ আঙুল ধরে বেঁধে নিয়ে মায়া ধরে
যেভাবে কাছে আসছি সরে একটু একটু করে রেখে নিয়ে তোর ভিতরে
লিখেছি তোর নামে রাখা মনে’র খামে এক মুঠো মেঘলা বিকেল
ভিড় করে আসে কেনো এই মধু মাসে এক দল ইচ্ছে মিছিল
লিখেছি তোর নামে রাখা মনে’র খামে এক মুঠো মেঘলা বিকেল
ভিড় করে আসে কেনো এই মধু মাসে এক দল ইচ্ছে মিছিল
ওই দুই চোখের আবদারে
কেনো ঝরায় বার বার
বোঝেনা বোঝালেও এই মন তারে
ওই দুই চোখের আবদারে
কেনো ঝরায় বার বার
বোঝেনা বোঝালেও এই মন তারে
জানি জানি আর নেই পথ যে ফেরার
হেরে গেছি আমাকে খুঁজে নে আবার
না জানি কোন জাদুকরি ওই চোখের ইশারায়
এভাবে শেখা প্রেম আমায় এ আঙুল ধরে বেঁধে নিয়ে মায়া ধরে
যেভাবে কাছে আসছি সরে একটু একটু করে রেখে নিয়ে তোর ভিতরে
Meaning of Ebhabe Shekha Prem Amay Lyrics
Ebhabe shekha prem amay lyrics delves deeply into the intricate and often tumultuous nature of love. It articulates the profound emotional journey and the struggles that come with navigating a relationship that is both enchanting and challenging.
Ebhabe shekha prem amay lyrics begin by reflecting on the changing nature of communication and emotion in modern times. The singer laments how, in today’s world, people tend to express their feelings in grandiose ways rather than being straightforward. This change seems to leave the singer bewildered, not fully understanding the reasons behind the constant shifting emotions and the relentless passage of time.
Ebhabe shekha prem amay lyrics then paints a vivid picture of the intensity and pervasiveness of love, which seems to be omnipresent and overwhelming. The phrase “ঝেঁপেছে যে প্রেম” (the love that has engulfed me) suggests that the singer is deeply immersed in an all-consuming romantic experience. This love is portrayed as chaotic and uncontrollable, leading to a sense of helplessness. The singer finds it increasingly difficult to manage their emotions and feels that life without the beloved is exceedingly difficult.

In the following verses, the song touches upon the idea of whispered promises and the tension between the desire for romance and the practicality of compromise. Despite the allure and promises of romance, the singer is resolute about not compromising their feelings or standards. The absence of the beloved is poignantly felt, marking each day with a sense of longing and emptiness. The lyrics reflect a desire for a love that is genuine and unwavering, yet the beloved’s presence is increasingly elusive.
Ebhabe shekha prem amay lyrics imagery of “এক মুঠো মেঘলা বিকেল” (a handful of cloudy afternoon) symbolizes the emotional state of the singer—clouded and uncertain. This image conveys the complexity of emotions and the feeling of longing that persists in the presence of the beloved. The reference to a “madhur maas” (sweet month) and “a procession of desires” suggests that this period of yearning and the rush of desires are characteristic of the current emotional climate.

Ebhabe shekha prem amay lyrics chorus underscores a repeated motif of emotional vulnerability. The mention of “ওই দুই চোখের আবদারে” (those two eyes’ pleas) signifies the power and influence of the beloved’s gaze. The recurring tears and the emotional strain suggest that despite the efforts to understand and communicate, the singer remains deeply affected by the beloved’s eyes and the unspoken emotions they carry.
Finally, ebhabe shekha prem amay lyrics reflects on the irreversible nature of the journey of love. The singer acknowledges that there is no returning to a previous state; they are irrevocably changed by the experience. The eyes of the beloved, with their almost magical allure, have captivated and altered the singer’s path. The lyrics describe how this love binds the singer through both physical proximity and emotional attachment, making it increasingly challenging to navigate and detach.
In essence, the song is a poignant exploration of love’s power to transform and overwhelm. It speaks to the complexities of managing intense emotions, the struggle between romantic ideals and practical realities, and the deep, often inexplicable connections formed between individuals. The poetic imagery and repeated motifs of yearning, emotional turbulence, and the search for understanding underscore the profound impact of love on the human heart and mind.
Song – Ebhabe Shekha Prem Amay
Singers – Arnab Dutta and Adrita Jhinuk
Film – Bharga ভর্গ
Lyrics and Composition – Adrita Jhinuk
Programming and Mix Master – Dhrubo
Bhattacharya Guitar – Sunny
Recordist – Anirban
Recording Studio – Jam 52
Production – Akash Anjali Production (AAP)
Story – Bhakti Pada Das