Besto Shohor Lyrics

Besto Shohor Lyrics | ব্যস্ত শহর | Bappa Mazumder

Besto Shohor Lyrics

ব্যস্ত শহর, ব্যস্ত জীবন
ব্যস্ত সবাই আপন আপন,
এক বাড়িতে বাস করেও
কেউ জানেনা কে কেমন
কেউ-জানেনা কে কেমন
কেউ জানে না কে কেমন।

সকাল থেকে শুরু হয়
জীবন তরী বাওয়া,
রাতের আঁধার নামলে ধরায়
আপনালয় যাওয়া।

এইতো শহর, এইতো জীবন
এইতো আসা যাওয়া,
স্বপ্ন বুনি তারই মাঝে
করে বহু যতন
করে-বহু যতন
করে বহু যতন।

ব্যস্ত শহর, ব্যস্ত জীবন
ব্যস্ত সবাই আপন আপন,
এক বাড়িতে বাস করেও
কেউ জানে না কে কেমন
কেউ-জানেনা কে কেমন
কেউ জানেনা কে কেমন।

Meaning of Besto Shohor Lyrics

Besto Shohor lyrics paints a vivid picture of the bustling city life, where everyone is engrossed in their own affairs, yet no one truly knows each other. It reflects on the anonymity and disconnectedness prevalent in urban societies, where despite living in close proximity, individuals remain strangers to one another. The repetition of phrases like “কেউ জানেনা কে কেমন” (no one knows who is who) emphasizes the theme of anonymity and alienation in the city.

The imagery of the city waking up in the morning and winding down at night encapsulates the rhythm of urban life, where the day starts with hustle and bustle and ends in the quiet solitude of one’s home. The contrast between the busy streets during the day and the emptiness of the night highlights the transient nature of human interactions in the city.

Besto Shohor lyrics repetition of “ব্যস্ত শহর, ব্যস্ত জীবন” (busy city, busy life) underscores the relentless pace of urban existence, where people are constantly caught up in the whirlwind of activities and responsibilities. The refrain “ব্যস্ত সবাই আপন আপন” (everyone busy with their own selves) further accentuates the theme of individualism and self-absorption in the urban landscape.

Besto Shohor Lyrics

Amidst this chaos, the song reflects on the dreams and aspirations that people nurture in their hearts. The line “স্বপ্ন বুনি তারই মাঝে” (weave dreams in the midst of it all) suggests that despite the busyness and anonymity of city life, people still harbor hopes and dreams for a better future. The phrase “করে বহু যতন” (making efforts) reinforces the idea that achieving these dreams requires perseverance and hard work.

Overall, Besto Shohor lyrics offers a poignant commentary on the realities of urban living, where despite the proximity of individuals, there exists a profound sense of isolation and disconnection. It captures the essence of the modern urban experience, where people are constantly striving to carve out their own paths amidst the chaos and anonymity of city life. Through its evocative imagery and reflective tone, the song prompts listeners to ponder on the meaning of community and human connection in the midst of the bustling cityscape.

About the Author of the Song

Besto Shohor is a bengali song sung by Bappa Mazumder. Besto Shohor lyrics is written by Sayed Abdul Malik and the music is composed by Bappa Mazumder. Besto Shohor music video was directed by and edited by BM. Mixing and mastering are done by Amzad Hossen Bappy. Besto Shohor was released on Bappa Mazumder’s youtube channel on Mar 27, 2024.

Singer: Bappa Mazumder
Lyrics: Sayed Abdul Malik
Tune & Composition: Bappa Mazumder
Label: Bee Emmz Workstation
Guitar: Bappa Mazumder and Masum Wahidur Rahman
Bass: John S Munshi
Mixed & Master: Amzad Hossen Bappy
Camera Operation: Bini Yamin Siam
Drone Footage Credit: Yeasin Al Arafat
Video Direction & Editing: BM
Still Photo: Rafftee Rahman
Artwork: Sourav Bosak

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