Amar Prithibi Lyrics

Amar Prithibi Lyrics | আমার পৃথিবী | Protibimbo Original 

Amar Prithibi Lyrics

তোমার মাঝে পেয়েছি আমি
একরাশ স্বপ্নের গোধূলি
তোমার মায়া হাসিতে আমি
খুঁজে নিয়েছি আমার পৃথিবী

জীবনের সব শূন্যতার মাঝে
তুমি যে ছিলে আমারই
অহমের সব অস্তিত্ব জুড়ে
হয়ে আছো শুধুই আমারই

অভিমানের বিষাদ ঐ নীলে
আছো কি লুকিয়ে আড়ালে
হারিয়ে নিজেকে আজ আমি
না-পাওয়া ব্যর্থতার মিছিলে

আমার জীবন জুড়ে শুধুই
সন্ধ্যের স্মৃতির হাতছানি
মনের মলাটে মোড়ানো আছে
যত গেঁথে যাওয়া সুরগুলি..

জীবনের সব পূর্ণতার মাঝে
তুমি যে ছিলে আমারই
জীবনের সব পূর্ণতার মাঝে
তুমি যে ছিলে আমারই

জীবনের সব শূন্যতার মাঝে
তুমি যে ছিলে আমারই
অহমের সব অস্তিত্ব জুড়ে
তুমি যে শুধুই আমারই

Meaning of Amar Prithibi Lyrics

Amar Prithibi lyrics is a deeply introspective and evocative piece that explores themes of love, loss, and self-realization. It conveys a journey of finding profound meaning and a sense of completeness in a relationship, juxtaposed with the sorrow and disillusionment that accompany separation and introspection.

In the opening verses, the narrator reflects on how they discovered a world of dreams and a sense of purpose within their beloved. The “twilight of dreams” symbolizes a period of serene and hopeful emotional fulfillment, with the beloved’s enchanting smile serving as a beacon that defines and enriches their existence. The imagery of finding “my world” in this person underscores the depth of their connection, suggesting that this individual has become central to the narrator’s life and emotional well-being.

As the song progresses, it shifts to address a poignant sense of emptiness and self-questioning. The narrator describes how, amidst all the voids and gaps in their life, their beloved was a constant source of meaning. The line “you were mine” captures the intimate and exclusive nature of their relationship, indicating that the beloved has been integral to their sense of self and existence. This connection seems to be a defining feature of the narrator’s identity and their experience of life’s highs and lows.

 Amar Prithibi Lyrics

Amar Prithibi lyrics also delves into the theme of disillusionment and regret. The “blue of disillusionment” and hiding in the shadows suggest a sense of melancholy and emotional distance. The narrator grapples with the pain of losing themselves in a series of unmet desires and failures. This sense of disillusionment is compounded by a feeling of inadequacy and frustration over not achieving what they hoped for, reflected in the imagery of being lost in the “line of unfulfilled failures.”

The recurring motif of twilight and evening memories highlights the narrator’s deep nostalgia and longing for the past. The “evening’s memories” and “songs woven into the cover of the mind” represent a persistent yearning to hold onto the cherished moments and emotions from the past. This longing reflects how the past, particularly the moments shared with the beloved, continues to influence and shape the narrator’s present state of mind and identity.

 Amar Prithibi Lyrics

Amar Prithibi lyrics refrain emphasizes the dual role of the beloved in the narrator’s life, affirming that the beloved was both a source of fulfillment and an integral part of their existence. By repeating “you were mine,” the song underscores the possessive and deeply personal nature of this connection, indicating that the relationship has profoundly impacted the narrator’s sense of self and their understanding of life’s meaning.

Amar Prithibi lyrics reaffirms that despite both the experiences of completeness and emptiness, the beloved remains an essential part of the narrator’s life. The repetition of the idea that “you were mine” throughout the song reinforces the idea that the beloved’s presence has been central to the narrator’s experience of both joy and sorrow. This final affirmation ties together the themes of love, loss, and self-discovery, illustrating how deeply intertwined our sense of identity can be with those we hold dear.

Overall, amar prithibi lyrics beautifully captures the complexity of human emotions and relationships, conveying how love can bring profound meaning and fulfillment while also highlighting the pain of separation and the ongoing process of self-discovery. The emotional depth and introspection reflected in the song resonate with the universal experience of navigating the intricacies of love and personal growth.

Song : Amar Prithibi Lyrics
Vocal: Evan Nur Rahman
Guitar: Rimon Howlader
Guitar: Tahmid Ishrak
Drummer: Minhaz Ayon
Bass: Sharafat Karim
Lyrics, Tune: Evan Nur Rahman
Songwriter: Rimon Howlader
Composed by: Protibimbo
Official Photographer: Ehsan Alom Mubin
Mixing & Mastering: Mashikur Rahman
Studio: Studio MRB

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