Niralay Lyrics

Niralay Lyrics | নিরালায় | Let’s Sight

Niralay Lyrics

একা বসে নিরালায়
ভাবি তোমার কথা
আজ আমি বড় একা
সে কি বোঝ না

একরাশ পুরোনো স্মৃতি
নীল আকাশে রবি
দীর্ঘশ্বাস মাখানো সবই
ঘিরে আজ আমায়

আজই কাল হতো যদি
মনের চোখে বইছে নদী
নই আজ আমি কবি
তুই ফিরে আয়

এক সুখ পাখি যাতনায়
পুষেছি খাঁচা ছাড়া
আজ আমি বড় একা
সে কি বোঝ না

আজই কাল হতো যদি
মনের চোখে বইছে নদী
নই আজ আমি কবি
তুই ফিরে আয়

বার্তা হীনা কেন হায়
তুই এলি হৃদয় মাঝে
হারালি আঁধার সাঝে
কোন অজানায়

আজই কাল হতো যদি
মনের চোখে বইছে নদী
নই আজ আমি কবি
তুই ফিরে আয়

Meaning of Niralay Lyrics

Niralay lyrics reflect a deep sense of loneliness and longing, expressed through poetic imagery and emotional depth. The narrator is contemplating their solitude, feeling isolated and yearning for someone who seems not to understand or share their sentiments. This sense of isolation is framed by the narrator’s reflections on past memories and their current emotional state.

Niralay lyrics opening lines introduce the narrator’s loneliness as they sit in solitude, reflecting on thoughts of the person they miss. The narrator laments their profound sense of being alone and questions whether the other person truly grasps the depth of their solitude. This question underscores the emotional distance between them, highlighting a disconnect in their understanding.

As the song progresses, the narrator reminisces about old memories, evoking a sense of nostalgia. The imagery of “a sky painted with the sun” and “everything tinged with a sigh” suggests a melancholic reflection on past moments that were once filled with warmth but are now tainted by sorrow. This imagery paints a picture of a once vibrant and fulfilling connection that has now faded into a poignant recollection.

Niralay Lyrics

Niralay lyrics narrator expresses a wishful yearning for the past, lamenting that if only things could have been different—if only yesterday could have been today. This longing is symbolized by the image of a river flowing through the mind’s eye, representing the flow of time and the unfulfilled desires of the narrator. The narrator acknowledges their lack of poetic prowess and implies that their current state of being without their loved one renders them incapable of expressing their true feelings or creating beauty as they might have wished.

Niralay lyrics also portrays the narrator as having kept their joy locked away in a cage, akin to a bird in captivity. This metaphor suggests that their happiness has been restrained or suppressed due to their separation from the loved one. The repetition of the line “Today, I am very alone” emphasizes the depth of their isolation and their desire for the other person to return.

Niralay Lyrics

The recurring plea for the other person to come back underscores the central theme of the song: the narrator’s desperate wish for reconnection and the restoration of their emotional fulfillment. The lines “Why is there no message?” and “You came into my heart” convey a sense of longing and confusion about the lack of communication or response from the loved one. The darkness and obscurity of their current situation are highlighted as the narrator wonders where their beloved might be.

Niralay lyrics closing lines return to the theme of yearning for a different reality. The narrator wishes for the past to have been different, with the river of their mind flowing more freely, and laments their inability to be a poet without their loved one. The repetition of the plea for the person to return underscores the narrator’s deep and unfulfilled longing, capturing the essence of their emotional turmoil and desire for a reunion.

Niralay lyrics is a exploration of loneliness, nostalgia, and the intense desire for connection. Through evocative imagery and a heartfelt plea for the return of a loved one, the narrator articulates their profound sense of isolation and the impact of the loved one’s absence on their emotional well-being.

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