Bhalobashar Prohor Lyrics

Bhalobashar Prohor Lyrics | ভালোবাসার প্রহর | Buk Poketer Golpo

Bhalobashar Prohor Lyrics

এই শহরে, মৃদু ঠান্ডা বাতাসে
তোমার হাসির শব্দ শুনতে পাই

হাতটা ধরে দাঁড়িয়ে আছি যে
তোমার প্রতীক্ষায়,

থাকবো না সারাজীবন এই ভুবনে
শুধু থেকে যাবো তোমার মনের ঘরে।
ভুলবো না এই স্মৃতি মায়া জুড়ে,
ফিরবো তোমারি হাসি হয়ে।

ভালোবাসার প্রহরে,
মন হাসে তোর মোহে।
মিশে যাব আমি তোর হয়ে,
জীবনের না ভোলা সময়ে। (২)

ভুলগুলো সব
এই নগরের অলিগলিতে, বিলিয়ে দে না
আকাশ জুড়ে,
তোমার আমার নাম গুলো, লিখে দে না

ইটে গরা, দালানে ঘেরা শহরে চল হারাই
পুরনো স্মৃতিগুলো মনে সাজাই।

থাকবো না সারাজীবন এই ভুবনে
শুধু থেকে যাবো তোমার মনের ঘরে
ভুলবো না এই স্মৃতি মায়া জুড়ে
ফিরবো তোমারি হাসি হয়ে।

ভালোবাসার প্রহরে,
মন হাসে তোর মোহে
মিশে যাব আমি তোর হয়ে
জীবনের না ভোলা সময়ে (২)

Meaning of Bhalobashar Prohor Lyrics

Bhalobashar prohor lyrics appears to be a heartfelt expression of love and longing, filled with poetic imagery and emotions. The song convey a sense of deep affection and a desire to be with a loved one. The lyrics begins by setting the scene in a city where the gentle cool breeze carries the laughter of the beloved.

The narrator paints a vivid picture of standing amidst this city, holding onto the hope of hearing the beloved’s laughter. The act of waiting is emphasized, with the narrator describing how they are standing, holding onto the anticipation of the beloved’s presence. The use of “মৃদু ঠান্ডা বাতাস” (gentle cool breeze) adds a sensory element, enhancing the atmosphere of the city and setting the tone for the romantic theme of the song.

Bhalobashar prohor lyrics then express a commitment to remain devoted to the beloved throughout life, with the narrator stating that they will only go to the “মনের ঘর” (heart) of the beloved. This symbolizes a deep emotional connection and a desire to be an integral part of the beloved’s inner world. The commitment to never forget the memories created together reinforces the idea of a lasting and meaningful relationship.

Bhalobashar Prohor Lyrics

The mention of “স্মৃতি মায়া জুড়ে” (memories woven in illusion) adds a touch of nostalgia and reflects on the sentimental value of shared experiences. The lyrics suggest that despite the passage of time, the narrator will return to the beloved’s laughter, signifying a timeless bond that transcends the mundane aspects of life.

As the song progresses, the lyrics shift to a celebration of love, describing moments of joy and laughter shared in the realm of affection. The phrase “ভালোবাসার প্রহরে” (in the moments of love) captures the essence of cherishing love-filled moments, where the heart laughs in the warmth of the beloved’s affection. The repetition of the line “মন হাসে তোর মোহে” (the heart laughs in your love) emphasizes the happiness derived from the beloved’s presence.

Bhalobashar Prohor Lyrics

Bhalobashar prohor lyrics also express a desire to merge with the beloved, becoming one in the tapestry of life. The commitment to being together in every phase of life, even in times of forgetfulness, highlights the resilience of love and its ability to withstand challenges. The sentiment of not losing oneself in the flow of time is beautifully captured in the lines “জীবনের না ভোলা সময়ে” (in the moments not forgotten in life).

Bhalobashar prohor lyrics concludes with a plea not to erase the memories and names written in the city’s alleys and skies. The reference to “পুরনো স্মৃতিগুলো” (old memories) being adorned in the mind emphasizes the importance of preserving the shared history and experiences.

In summary, this song is a poignant expression of love, encapsulating the anticipation, commitment, joy, and nostalgia associated with a profound connection between two individuals. Through its evocative lyrics and emotional depth, the song beautifully captures the essence of love’s enduring nature and the significance of shared memories in the journey of life.

About the Author of the Song

Bhalobashar Prohor song is sung by Mahadi Hasan & Jarin Tasnim Ratry. This song is from the drama ‘Buk Poketer Golpo’. Bhalobashar Prohor Lyrics is written and tuned by Mahamud Hayet Arpon. This song was released on Youtube by KS Entertainment on 21 Feb 2024.

Song : Bhalobashar Prohor
Lyrics, melody and music : Mahamud Hayet Arpon
Singer: Mahadi Hasan, Jarin Tasnim Ratry
Sound studio : Shobdo
Edit, Color, VFx : Aurnob Hasna
Digital & Social Management : Safiqul Alam (Arif Double S)
Executive producer : Shirajul Islam Rubel
Producer : MD Kamrujjaman
Produced By : KS Films
KS Entertainment Production

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