Tilottama Dibbi Tomar Lyrics

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar Lyrics | তিলোত্তমা দিব্যি তোমার | A song for Justice

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar Lyrics

একটা মেয়ের গল্প তো নয়
এ আমাদের নামচা রোজ
নখের আঁচড় সবার গায়ে
তুমিই শুধু নাওনি খোঁজ

ঘুমিয়ে আছে হীরক রাণী, আইন কানুন আজ নিখোঁজ

ওই যে শোনো জাগছে মানুষ
পথে প্রতিবাদের ঘোর
তিলোত্তমা দিব্যি তোমার
আনবো মোরা নতুন ভোর।

বললে কথা বিরুদ্ধতায়
শানাও তোমার তর্জনী
দুর্নীতি আর দুঃশাসনের
ফন্দি ফিকির সব জানি

এই প্রতিবাদ থামবে না আর জ্বলছে আগুন আসমানি
মিছিল জুড়ে তোমার আমার স্বাধীনতার হাতছানি

ওই যে শোনো জাগছে মানুষ
পথে প্রতিবাদের ঘোর
তিলোত্তমা দিব্যি তোমার
আনবো মোরা নতুন ভোর।

Meaning of Tilottama Dibbi Tomar Lyrics

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar lyrics is a powerful anthem that reflects the spirit of resistance and the ongoing struggle for justice and freedom. It begins by dismissing the notion that the struggle is merely a tale of an individual girl. Instead, it emphasizes that this is not just a personal story but a broader, collective struggle against systemic issues.

The imagery of “nail scratches” suggests deep and personal wounds inflicted by ongoing troubles, highlighting a sense of neglect or oversight, particularly in the case of the singer who feels overlooked in their suffering. The lyrics describe the pervasive scars left by corruption and injustice, highlighting that these issues have affected everyone, but not everyone has taken action. The song criticizes the apathy and negligence of those in power, who have turned a blind eye to the suffering and the need for reform.

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar lyrics then shifts to describe a state of dormancy where justice and the rule of law seem to be absent, symbolized by the “sleeping diamond queen” and “laws gone missing.” The “Hirak Rani” mentioned in the lyrics symbolizes a figure of authority or a bygone era of governance that has fallen into disrepute or disuse. This metaphor suggests a period of stagnation or corruption where moral and legal standards are not being upheld. Despite this, there is a burgeoning sense of awakening among the people, who are rising in protest. This collective movement is portrayed as a vibrant and hopeful sign of change, ushering in a new dawn of righteousness and freedom.

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar Lyrics

The singer calls attention to the defiant stance against corruption and misrule, urging the listener to sharpen their resolve as they challenge the existing order. The lines highlight a keen awareness of the machinations behind corruption and autocratic rule, suggesting a deep understanding of the systemic issues at play. The fiery imagery of “heavenly fire” and “the march of freedom” underscores the intensity and urgency of the protest movement, indicating that this struggle for liberation will not wane or be subdued. Despite this, the song acknowledges that people are awakening and rising up against oppression. There is a growing movement on the streets, characterized by protest and a desire for change.

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar lyrics chorus reinforces the sense of collective awakening and the impending arrival of a new era. It celebrates the people’s resolve and the belief that their actions will lead to a brighter, more just future. The term “Tilottama,” which signifies an ideal or perfect form, reflects a vision of an enlightened society that the people are striving to achieve. The call to “bring a new dawn” emphasizes the transformative nature of their struggle and the hope that drives them.

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar Lyrics

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar lyrics then addresses the leaders or those in power, urging them to understand that their actions are being scrutinized and judged. It criticizes their strategies and deceit, acknowledging that the people are aware of the corruption and mismanagement that have plagued the system. The lyrics are a call for accountability and a demand for a departure from the practices of corruption and misrule.

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar lyrics chorus reinforces the idea of a collective awakening and the transformative power of protest. It conveys a sense of hope and determination, with the people rallying together to usher in a new era. The repeated emphasis on “Tilotama” and the “new dawn” suggests that despite the challenges and the current state of affairs, there is a strong belief in the possibility of a better future.

Tilottama Dibbi Tomar lyrics serves as both a critique of current injustices and a rallying cry for revolution and renewal. It embodies the spirit of resistance and the relentless pursuit of a better, fairer world. The song is a passionate and evocative expression of the desire for justice, the fight against corruption, and the hope for a new and better society. It calls for continued resistance and highlights the collective strength of the people in their quest for freedom and reform.

Song – Tilottama Dibbi Tomar
Youtube Channel – Chirkut Official

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