Nishobdopur Lyrics

Nishobdopur Lyrics | নিঃশব্দপুর | Shironamhin Band

Nishobdopur Lyrics

কতখানি জমা নীল হলে
তবে ওড়াবে শঙ্খচিল?
বিষন্নতার বৃষ্টির জলে,
শীতল দু’চোখ নীল নীল হয়ে যায়।

মনে পড়ে, শুকনো পাতার গান
বুকে জমা নিরব অভিমান,
বৃষ্টির ছাঁটে দু’চোখের জল
ঢেকে দিয়ে যদি,
ক্লান্ত মুঠোয় অশ্রু রাখি
অন্ধকারে একলা থাকি,
তুমি আসবে বলেই অকারণে
হৃদয়ের বিলবোর্ড জুড়ে
উড়ে যায় শত লাল নীল পাখি।

অনেকদিন, অপেক্ষায়
নিঃশব্দের সীমানায়,
সব শূন্য, অবসন্ন
অযথাই অপেক্ষায়।
হারানো দিন, পুরানো টান
পুরানো ভীষণ অভিমান,
নিঃশব্দপুর দুপুর
নিঃশব্দে ভালোবাসায়।

সেই, চেনা চেনা রাস্তায়
অভিমানী ডানা ঝাপটায়,
তাই, অযথাই, হেঁটে যাই,
নির্বাক বেদনায়।
তবু এই বিষাদ
আমার নিঃশব্দপুরেই থাক,
অজস্র ভুল বৃষ্টির জল
নিরবেই হৃদয় জুড়ে,
উড়ে যায় শত লাল নীল পাখি।

অনেকদিন, অপেক্ষায়
নিঃশব্দের সীমানায়,
সব শূন্য, অবসন্ন
অযথাই অপেক্ষায়।
হারানো দিন, পুরানো টান
পুরানো ভীষণ অভিমান,
নিঃশব্দপুর দুপুর
নিঃশব্দে ভালোবাসায়।

Nishobdopur Lyrics In English

Kotokhani joma neel hole
Tobe orabe shonkhochil
Bishonnotar brishtir jole
Shitol duchokh neel neel hoye jaay

Mone pore shukno patar gaan
Buke joma nirob obhiman
Brishtir chaate duchokher jol
Dheke diye jodi
Klanto muthoy ashru rakhi
Ondhokare ekla thaki
Tumi ashbe bolei okarone
Hridoyer billboard jure
Ure jaay shoto laal neel pakhi

Onekdin opekkhay
Nishobder simanay
Sob shunno obosonno
Ojothai opekkhay
Harano din purano taan
Purano vishon obhimaan
Nishobdopur dupure
Nishobde bhalobashay

Sei chena chena rastay
Obhimani daana jhaptay
Tai ojothai hete jai
Nirbak bedonay
Tobu ei bishad
Amar nishobdopurei thak
Ojoshro bhul brishtir jol
Nirobei hridoy jure
Ure jay shoto laal neel pakhi

Meaning of Nishobdopur Lyrics

Nishobdopur lyrics evoke deep feelings of longing, melancholy, and the weight of unexpressed emotions. The imagery is rich and layered, reflecting a profound sense of yearning intertwined with nature. The recurring motifs of the sky, rain, and birds symbolize both hope and despair, capturing the essence of waiting for something—or someone—yet feeling trapped in solitude.

Nishobdopur lyrics opening lines ponder the idea of how much blue is needed to make the “shankha-chil” (a mythical bird often associated with peace and freedom) soar. This metaphor sets the tone for the song, suggesting that deep emotional states, like sorrow or hope, can be as vast and expansive as the sky. The mention of “bitter rain” highlights feelings of sadness that weigh down the heart, turning the eyes to a reflective, melancholic blue.

As the song progresses, the speaker reminisces about past joys and the silence that accompanies longing. There’s a strong sense of nostalgia for lost days, represented by the “dry leaves’ song,” which signifies memories that linger despite their fading presence. Nishobdopur lyrics metaphor of “tears hiding in a weary fist” conveys the struggle of suppressing emotions while waiting for a loved one, indicating an internal battle between vulnerability and strength.

The refrain emphasizes the weight of waiting, depicting a profound sense of emptiness and disillusionment. This “waiting” is not merely for a person but symbolizes a yearning for connection and understanding that has been lost. The imagery of “old ties” and “painful affections” conveys the burden of past relationships, suggesting that even in silence, love persists.

Nishobdopur Lyrics

In the second half of the song, the familiar streets and the symbolic act of walking aimlessly illustrate a search for solace and meaning. The “abandoned sadness” becomes a companion, as the speaker navigates through memories and feelings, unable to escape the grip of nostalgia. The presence of “countless wrongs” mirrors the complexities of past interactions, highlighting the difficulty of moving on from unresolved emotions.

Throughout, the notion of a “silent afternoon” reinforces the theme of isolation, where love feels both present and absent. The speaker’s heart is described as overflowing with unvoiced sentiments, symbolized by the imagery of “silent rain” that fills the void. This reflects a deep internal struggle where hope persists amidst the heaviness of sorrow.

Nishobdopur lyrics closing lines bring back the imagery of the red and blue birds, suggesting a blend of emotions love, pain, and hope fluttering within the heart, representing the duality of longing and fulfillment. Nishobdopur lyrics illustrates how joy and sorrow can coexist, echoing the complexity of human emotions.

Overall, the song encapsulates a journey through silence and waiting, marked by the interplay of nature and emotion. It speaks to the universal experience of longing for connection while grappling with the weight of unexpressed feelings, reminding us that even in our darkest moments, hope can still take flight. The poetic depth invites listeners to reflect on their own experiences of love and loss, creating a resonance that lingers long after the song has ended.

About the Author of the Song

Nishobdopur Lyrics

Nishobdopur is a bengali song sung by Sheikh Ishtiaque from Shironamhin Band. Nishobdopur lyrics in bengali was written by Ziaur Rahman. Nishobdopur music composed by and video song directed by Ziaur Rahman. Sound mixed and mastered by Shafiqul Islam. Director of photography by and video edited by Rony Sharafat. Choir voice by Dr. Sangbartika Bandyopadhyay from Kolkata.

Song Name : Nishobdopur
Band Name : Shironamhin Band
Lyricist : Ziaur Rahman
Singer : Sheikh Ishtiaque
Bass and Cello : Ziaur Rahman
Odhran, Sarod, Flute, Back voice : Kazy Ahmad Shafin
Piano : Symon Chowdhury
Guitar and Guitalele : Sudipto Sinha Dipu
Recording Studio : Noizemine
Artwork Design : Ziaur Rahman

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