Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi Lyrics | খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি | Lalon Shah
Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi Lyrics
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি
কেমনে আসে যায়।
তারে ধরতে পারলে মন বেড়ি,
ধরতে পারলে মন বেড়ি
দিতাম পাখির পায়ে।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
আট কুঠুরী নয় দরজা আটা
মধ্যে মধ্যে ঝরকা কাঁটা।
তার উপরে সদর কোঠা,
তার উপরে সদর কোঠা,
আয়না মহল তায়।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
কপালের ফের নইলে কি আর
পাখিটির এমন ব্যবহার।
খাঁচা ভেঙ্গে পাখি আমার,
খাঁচা ভেঙ্গে পাখি আমার কোন খানে পালায়।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
মন তুই রইলি খাঁচার আসে,
খাঁচা যে তোর কাঁচা বাঁশের।
কোন দিন খাঁচা পড়বে খসে,
কোন দিন খাঁচা পড়বে খসে
ফকির লালন কেঁদে কয়।
কেমনে আসে যায়,
খাঁচার ভেতর অচিন পাখি কেমনে আসে যায়।
Meaning of Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi Lyrics
Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi lyrics is deeply rooted in the rural traditions of Bengal. The song conveys a metaphorical narrative with profound philosophical and spiritual undertones. It tells the story of an elusive bird that enters a cage, and the singer wonders how it managed to do so.
The cage is described as having eight small windows (kuthuri) and a door with spikes (kata). Above the cage, there is a beautiful chamber (sador kotha) with a mirror (ayna) where the bird resides. The lyrics repeatedly ask how this unknown bird enters the cage, and there is a sense of amazement and admiration for the bird’s mystical ability.
Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi lyrics can be interpreted in various ways, but it is often seen as a metaphor for the human soul or the search for spiritual enlightenment. The cage represents the physical world, while the bird symbolizes the individual’s quest for a higher truth or spiritual awakening. The bird’s ability to enter the cage without explanation reflects the mysterious and unpredictable nature of spiritual experiences.

Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi lyrics also mentions the breaking of the cage, indicating that one day the barriers of the material world will be shattered, and the soul will be liberated. The reference to Fakir Lalon, a revered Bengali mystic and songwriter, adds a spiritual dimension to the song, suggesting a connection between the seeker’s journey and Lalon’s teachings.
In summary, Khachar Vitor Ochin Pakhi lyrics is a folk song that explores the philosophical and spiritual themes of human existence, the search for truth, and the ultimate liberation of the soul from the constraints of the physical world. It is a beautifully crafted piece of art that has been cherished in Bengali culture for generations.
About the Author of the Song
“Ochin Pakhi” alludes to our heart and means “The Unknown Bird” in English. In one of his well-known songs, “Khachar Bhitor Ochin Pakhi” (খাঁচার ভিতর অচিন পাখি), the famed Bengali philosopher, Baul monk, spiritual, composer, and social reformer Lalon Fakir (Shah) used this word for the first time.
All over the song is a perfect fusion of Rock and Folk which gives a pleasant feeling to its listener. The song also tells a story about the author, what he feels in him and how he can live forever by binding his soul to his body permanently.

In everyday life we go through several ups and downs and experience several mental breakdowns and could not recover from it. The song similarly says how our soul leaves the body and it is impossible to get it back.