Keno Lyrics

Keno Lyrics | কেনো | Shironamhin Band

Keno Lyrics

আজ এই শহরের পাখিরা সারারাত
অযথাই অন্ধের মতো
উড়ছে কেনো?
কড়া রোদে পুড়ে ছাই, ছাই হয়ে
আকাশের গায়ে লাল সূর্যটা তবু
জ্বলছে কেনো?

অন্ধ হৃদয়, নিখোঁজ হয়ে
যায় হারিয়ে, যাকনা কেনো?
মুক্ত পাখির ডানায় ডানায়
সমুদ্রের মত..
সেই দুঃসময়ের অভিশাপ,
না পাওয়ার অভিধান হৃদয়ের মাঝে
পুড়ছে কেনো?
আজ অন্ধ হৃদয় সবকিছু সয়ে যায়..
পুড়ে যায় সারাক্ষণ।

ভেঙে যায় ঘর,
কত সহজেই,
কোনো উত্তাপ নেই,
কেন ঝড় আসবেই?
তবুও নিঃসীম কোনো প্রান্তে
বরফ জমে হৃদয়ে নীল,
এই অন্ধ, দিশেহারা, পোড়া শহরে
খুব যন্ত্রনায় ছুটে চলে কোনো টর্নেডো,
তীব্র গতির সংকেত জানায়..
সেই দুঃসময়ের নিশানায়,
পুড়ে ছাই পতাকা দমকা হাওয়ায়,
উড়ছে কেনো?
আজ অন্ধ হৃদয় সবকিছু সয়ে যায়..

প্রশ্নের এই গোলকধাঁধা ঘুরছে অযথাই
নির্ভুল এক নিয়তির মতো,
উত্তর জানিয়ে যাই
দুঃসময়ের অভিশাপ,
না পাওয়ার অভিধান হৃদয়ের মাঝে
পুড়ছে কেনো?
আজ অন্ধ হৃদয় সবকিছু সয়ে যায়
পুড়ে যায় আজ।

Meaning of Keno Lyrics

Keno lyrics of this song paint a vivid and somber picture of a city suffering under intense hardship, using powerful imagery to convey a sense of loss, confusion, and emotional devastation. The song opens with a striking image of birds flying aimlessly throughout the night, suggesting a lack of direction or purpose, which mirrors the overall theme of disorientation. The relentless burning of the sun in the harsh daylight underscores an unrelenting, almost punishing force that continues to exert its power despite the surrounding destruction.

The refrain “blind heart” encapsulates the song’s central motif of emotional numbness and disconnection. The heart, representing emotional and spiritual capacity, seems to be lost and wandering, unable to find solace or meaning amidst the turmoil. This blind heart endures and suffers, suggesting an acceptance of pain as a constant state. The reference to the “ocean of the same sorrow” and the “dictionary of loss” signifies the overwhelming and pervasive nature of the suffering being described, implying that the heart’s capacity for pain is vast and boundless.

Keno lyrics also reflects on the fragility of human constructs and the ease with which they can be shattered. The imagery of homes collapsing and storms arriving without warning highlights the unpredictable and often devastating nature of hardship. Despite this, there is a contrast drawn with the image of ice accumulating in the heart, signifying a cold, unfeeling response to the ongoing distress.

Keno Lyrics

Keno lyrics relentless cycle of destruction is further emphasized by the metaphor of a tornado racing through the city, symbolizing both the intensity and speed of the chaos engulfing the inhabitants. This tornado represents the external manifestation of the inner turmoil and despair, driving home the idea that the heart, although deeply affected, is resigned to its fate.

In the end, the song’s questions and reflections suggest a philosophical resignation to the harsh realities of life. The repetitive questioning of why everything burns and why the heart endures the pain reflects a profound sense of existential questioning and resignation. The final lines reiterate the theme of enduring suffering and the heart’s resignation to its fate, concluding with a recognition that everything is burned and consumed by the relentless heat of sorrow and hardship.

Overall, the song’s meaning is a poignant exploration of suffering, emotional numbness, and existential resignation. It portrays a world where the pain is both all-encompassing and inescapable, reflecting the deep emotional scars left by ongoing adversity and the struggle to find meaning amidst relentless hardship.

About the Author of the song

Keno Lyrics

Keno Lyrics bengali song is sung by Sheikh Ishtiaque from Shironamhin Band. Sound mixing and mastering by Shafiqul Islam from Noizemine recording studio.  Music composed by Kazy Ahmad Shafin. Keno lyrics was written by Ziaur Rahman from Shironamhin Bangla Band. Keno was released on Shironamhin youtube channel on Aug 5, 2024.

Song : Keno
Band : Shironamhin
Composer : Kazy Ahmad Shafin
Lyricist : Ziaur Rahman
Voice and Choir : Sheikh Ishtiaque
Bass, Cello and choir : Ziaur Rahman
Drums, Violin, Sorod, Back Voice, Choir : Kazy Ahmad Shafin
Piano : Symon Chowdhury
Guitar : Sudipto Sinha Dipu
Band Manager : Infitar Danial

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