E Shohor Kade Lyrics

E Shohor Kade Lyrics | এ শহর কাঁদে | Adib Al Mohsin

E Shohor Kade Lyrics

এ শহর কাঁদে
মানুষ মরে
তবু সমাজ
নীরবে হাসে

এ শহর জানে
স্বপ্ন দেখায় এ ব্যর্থ জীবন

আপন কেউ নি:স্ব না হলে
কষ্টের কালি চিঠি লিখে যাবে (২x)

পৃথিবী তুমি বুঝবে না শেষে!

যখন আঁধার আসে,
আকাশের পাড়ে পাথর জ্বলে।
অশ্রু ধুলোতে মিশে রয়,
ইট পাথর তাঁরায়…
এই আওয়াজ সুরের নয়,
শহরের কান্নার ধবনি ..

মিথ্যে আশার শব্দ শুনে
ভাসছে জয়ধ্বনি
কোনো ভোরের আজানেতে
থামবে কোলাহোল!

এ শহর কাঁদে….
তোমার ভরসায়!..

Meaning of E Shohor Kade Lyrics

E Shohor Kade lyrics shared delves deeply into the melancholy and disillusionment inherent in urban life, presenting a vivid and poignant depiction of a city struggling with its own existential sorrow. The city is anthropomorphized as a living entity that mourns and weeps, while its inhabitants suffer and die, yet society, indifferent and detached, continues to laugh silently. This contrast underscores a profound sense of disconnect between the individual pain and the overarching societal facade of normalcy.

E Shohor Kade lyrics explores themes of existential angst and the futility of dreams in a life marred by unfulfilled aspirations. It reflects on how the city, despite its outward appearance, is burdened with sorrow and a sense of hopelessness. The imagery used in the lyrics, such as “the dark descends” and “stones burn on the edge of the sky,” conveys a sense of desolation and despair. The darkness and the burning stones symbolize the inner turmoil and emotional anguish that permeate the environment.

E Shohor Kade Lyrics

The recurring motif of “knot of pain” or “black ink of suffering” suggests that the hardships and struggles are not easily escaped or forgotten. The city itself seems to be a repository of collective grief and frustration, with every corner and every brick embodying the silent cries of its people. The lyrics reflect a deep sense of frustration and resignation, as if the world will never truly understand the depth of this suffering.

E Shohor Kade lyrics mention of false hopes and empty promises further accentuates the sense of betrayal and disillusionment. The “sound of false hope” and “triumphs floating” in the song indicate that despite the ostensible victories and celebrations, the underlying reality remains grim. This dissonance between appearance and reality is a central theme, highlighting the contrast between the public display of cheerfulness and the private anguish experienced by individuals.

E Shohor Kade Lyrics

E Shohor Kade lyrics line “When the darkness comes” followed by “stones burn on the edge of the sky” vividly describes a moment of crisis or intense suffering, suggesting that the city’s pain is so profound that it manifests in a visible, almost apocalyptic way. The tears mingling with dust and the city being compared to a constellation of bricks and stones further emphasize the inescapable and pervasive nature of its sorrow.

E Shohor Kade lyrics final verses, with their reference to the “false sounds of hope” and the “victory cries” that echo through the dawn, illustrate a persistent cycle of disappointment and superficial triumphs. The city’s cries are not merely personal but collective, resonating through its very fabric. The suggestion that the city’s sorrow will not be understood by the world reflects a sense of isolation and the inevitability of the city’s pain remaining unrecognized and unaddressed.

Ultimately, the song portrays a city that is inextricably linked to its people’s suffering. It critiques the superficial layers of societal progress and celebration that mask a deeper, pervasive sense of anguish. The city’s sorrow is a reflection of the broader existential questions faced by its inhabitants, making it a poignant commentary on the human condition and the often-unacknowledged struggles that define urban existence.

Song – E Shohor Kade
Written & Composed by – Adib Al Mohsin
Music Arrangement – Menon Khan
Directed by – Tashin Haq
Cinematography – Saimon Murad Assistant
Editor – M R Khan Shikto

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