Aghat Lyrics

Aghat Lyrics | আঘাত | Shamiul Shezan

Aghat Lyrics

কেউ বদলে যাবে
সময়েরি স্রোতে


কেউ মিথ্যে হবে
ছলনারি অভিনয়ে

কোন এক শহরের ভিরে
আজো দাড়িয়ে সেই পথের মাঝে
যেখানে হারিয়েছি সেই বিকের
ভোর হয়না আর আমার মনে
কেন কালো হয়ে আছে এই আকাশ
বৃষ্টি কান্না মুছে আমার
মেঘেরাও বোঝে ক্লান্ত মন আমার
শুধু বুঝলেনা তুমি এই আমায়


আজো কি রাতের আঁধারে
মনে করো আমায় তুমি
আজো কি শহরে কোলাহলে
খোঁজ আমায় তুমি

আজো কি রাতের আঁধারে
মনে করো আমায় তুমি
আজো কি শহরে কোলাহলে
খোঁজ আমায় তুমি

আজো লিখি কবিতা
তোমায় ঘিরে পুরোটা
কেন এ মন কাদে আজো
তোমায় ছাড়া

কেন ভোরের আলো হয়ে
রাঙিয়ে দাওনি আমার মনে
কেন আমায় ঘিরে আছে

কোন এক শহরের ভিরে
আজো দাড়িয়ে সেই পথের মাঝে
যেখানে হারিয়েছি সেই বিকের
ভোর হয়না আর আমার মনে
কেন কালো হয়ে আছে এই আকাশ
বৃষ্টি কান্না মুছে আমার
মেঘেরাও বোঝে ক্লান্ত মন আমার
শুধু বুঝলেনা তুমি এই আমায়


Meaning of Aghat Lyrics

Aghat lyrics explores themes of loss, transformation, and enduring sorrow through evocative imagery and a deep sense of melancholy. Aghat lyrics reflect on how people and circumstances evolve with time, often in ways that are both inevitable and painful. The opening lines suggest a natural process of change, where individuals, too, are subject to the currents of time. This change can be disheartening, especially when it leads to the realization that someone once dear has become unrecognizable or deceitful.

Aghat lyrics imagery of a bustling city, contrasted with the narrator’s isolation, underscores a profound sense of loneliness amidst the crowd. The narrator stands in a specific place, symbolically tied to a past moment of loss, where they once experienced a poignant, yet now unattainable, sense of completeness or happiness. This setting acts as a metaphor for the emotional state of the narrator, who feels abandoned and trapped in a lingering moment of darkness and regret. The absence of dawn in their mind and the sky’s persistent blackness metaphorically reflect their internal despair and the absence of hope or renewal in their life.

Aghat Lyrics

The narrator’s plea for the person they yearn for to remember them in the darkness of the night and seek them out amidst the city’s clamor highlights a deep-seated need for recognition and connection. Despite the passage of time, the narrator is still emotionally tethered to this person and continues to search for signs of their presence or acknowledgment. This longing is accentuated by the repetitive questioning of whether this person remembers them and seeks them out, emphasizing the narrator’s unfulfilled desire for reconciliation or understanding.

Aghat lyrics recurring theme is the narrator’s persistent emotional pain, which remains vividly tied to the memory of the person they once loved. Writing poetry about this person symbolizes the narrator’s ongoing struggle to process and articulate their feelings. Poetry becomes a means to grapple with the enduring impact of their loss and to keep the memory of their past alive. The poet’s continuous weeping and inability to move on reflect the depth of their attachment and the difficulty in letting go.

Aghat Lyrics

Aghat lyrics question why the person they cherished did not bring light or joy into their life, or why they did not alleviate the narrator’s suffering. The absence of dawn in the narrator’s mind, coupled with persistent emotional agony, signifies a deep sense of betrayal and unfulfilled expectations. This inquiry into why their suffering remains unresolved and why they are surrounded by pain without comfort or resolution reflects the narrator’s struggle to understand their emotional reality and the person who has significantly impacted their life.

In essence, the song poignantly captures the sense of being trapped in a cycle of pain and nostalgia. It delves into the complex emotional landscape of someone who feels abandoned and unrecognized, despite their attempts to find solace or closure. The juxtaposition of the vibrant city life with the narrator’s internal darkness underscores the disparity between external activity and internal emotional turmoil. Aghat lyrics exploration of how past relationships and experiences continue to shape one’s present, emphasizing the difficulty of moving on and the longing for a connection that seems forever out of reach.

Song: Aghat
Artist: Shamiul Shezan
Lyrics: Shamiul Shezan
Tune: Shamiul Shezan
Composition: Shamiul Shezan
Vocal: Shamiul Shezan
Mix and mastered by: Shamiul Shezan
Relaise Date : 24 Aug 2024

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