Eka Ghor Amar Lyrics | একা ঘর আমার | Tahsan | Shithi Saha
Eka Ghor Amar Lyrics
অপরিচিত হয়ে গেলে
নিভিয়ে দিয়ে গেলে, আকাশের তারাগুলো
অভিমানে অবহেলায় হেরে গেলে।
অমীমাংসিত দাবার চালে
খেলা ছেড়ে দিলে,
অভিনয়ের সংসারে ফিরে গেলে।
ভালোবাসো জানি এখনো আমায়
তবু অবিশ্বাসের দেয়াল,
পারিনা ভাঙতে, পারিনা ভুলতে
মিথ্যে হিমালয় সমান।
যে মানুষটাকে এতো ভালোবাসি
সে ক্ষমা করেনা,
যে বুকে আমার প্রিয় শীতলপাটি
সে আগলে রাখেনা,
অবহেলায় অবহেলায়
কাটুক জীবন আমার,
অভিমানে অভিমানে একা ঘর আমার।
অলিখিত কাবিনের খোঁজে
এসেছিলে কোনো এক অভিলাষে,
তুমি কোথায় আমি কোথায় খুঁজেছিলে
অপরিণামদর্শী দাবানলে খেলাচ্ছলে,
অভিনয়ের সংসারে অনেক দূরে।
ভালোবাসো জানি এখনো আমায়
তবু অবিশ্বাসের দেয়াল,
পারিনা ভাঙতে, পারিনা ভুলতে
মিথ্যে হিমালয় সমান।
যে মানুষটাকে এতো ভালোবাসি
সে ক্ষমা করে না,
যে বুকে আমার প্রিয় শীতলপাটি
সে আগলে রাখে না,
অবহেলায় অবহেলায়
কাটুক জীবন আমার,
অভিমানে অভিমানে একা ঘর আমার।
Meaning of Eka ghor amar lyrics
Eka ghor amar lyrics encapsulates the complex emotions of heartbreak, love, and regret. The lyrics express a deeply personal journey through the pain of losing a loved one, intertwined with themes of unfulfilled desires, misunderstandings, and the enduring yet unattainable nature of love. The speaker’s narrative reveals a profound vulnerability as they navigate through feelings of rejection, longing, and helplessness in a relationship where trust has eroded, leaving an impenetrable wall of doubt.
Eka ghor amar lyrics opening lines set a somber tone, portraying the departure of a loved one who extinguishes the light of the speaker’s life, symbolized by the dimming of stars. This departure, laced with indifference and silent reproach, feels like a defeat in a game of chess, where the moves remain unresolved. The speaker likens life to an act on a theatrical stage, where their partner returns to the scripted monotony, leaving the speaker alone in their emotional turmoil.
Despite the pain, the speaker acknowledges that love still lingers in the heart of their partner. However, this love is overshadowed by an insurmountable wall of distrust. The metaphor of a “false Himalaya” captures the enormity and immovability of the misunderstandings between them. It is a mountain of deceit, yet the speaker cannot break through or forget its presence. This sense of helplessness deepens the emotional impact, as the speaker is caught between love and the inability to mend what is broken.

Eka ghor amar lyrics paints a vivid picture of the speaker’s loneliness and yearning. They describe the loved one as someone they adore deeply but who refuses to forgive. The imagery of the “beloved mat,” once a source of comfort, now abandoned, underscores the loss of intimacy and connection. The recurring refrain of neglect and isolation drives home the speaker’s despair, as life becomes a series of empty, solitary moments marked by unfulfilled love.
Eka Ghor Amar lyrics expands to reveal that the relationship was built on unspoken promises, referred to as an “unwritten contract.” The speaker reflects on the initial hopes and dreams that brought them together, suggesting that the relationship was born out of ambition or a shared vision that ultimately went astray. The metaphor of a reckless wildfire alludes to the destructive consequences of impulsive actions, which have left the speaker stranded far from the emotional sanctuary they once shared.

Eka ghor amar lyrics repeating lines highlight the main struggle: love is still there, but it cannot break through the walls of mistrust and unresolved issues. The speaker’s pain comes not only from being apart from their partner but also from knowing that their love is real yet stuck in misunderstandings. This mix of love and separation makes the song relatable to anyone who has faced the challenges of a broken relationship.
At its heart, the song is about losing a connection and dealing with love that isn’t returned. It shows the universal difficulty of trying to fix love when human flaws and mistakes get in the way. The speaker’s honest emotions and deep thoughts make it easy to feel their pain, as they struggle with the gap that has grown between them and their partner. The rich imagery and heartfelt words make this song a touching portrayal of love, heartbreak, and the hope for reconciliation that always feels just out of reach.
About the Author of the Song
Eka ghor amar is sung by Tahsan and Shithi Saha. Eka ghor amar lyrics written and the music composed by Tahsan Rahman Khan. Music arranged by Sajid Sarker. Eka ghor amar video song directed by Chandan Roy Chowdhury.
Song Name : Eka Ghor Amar
Singer : Tahsan and Shithi Saha
Composer and Lyricist : Tahsan Rahman Khan
Music Arrangement : Sajid Sarker
Director and DOP : Chandan Roy Chowdhury
Edit & Color: Chandan Roy Chowdhury
VFX: Sajal Roy
Art Team: Rabbani Assistant
DOP: Muzahid Mahadi
Head of Operation: Rajib Amil
Production Manager: Ersad
Post Production: Black Cat Entertainment
Label : Anupam