Tepantar Lyrics

Tepantar Lyrics | তেপান্তর | Anik N Deb

Tepantar Lyrics

জানি কোনদিন আমার হবে না
তোমাকে আমি ফিরে পাবনা
আমার লেখা ইচ্ছে গুলো হারাচ্ছে ঠিকানা
ভালোবাসা অন্তরালে যারা তোমায় ছুঁড়েছে ফেলে
পুড়ে যাওয়ার হৃদয় নিয়ে কেন আমায় দূরে সরাও
কত কত রাত জেগেছি একা স্মৃতিরা আলিঙ্গনে
তুমি বুঝলে না কোনদিন আমার ব্যথা সব ছিল তোমাকে নিয়ে
তুমি তেপান্তর তোমার শেষ প্রান্তর দেখা যায় না
তুমি তেপান্তর তোমার শেষ মন্ত্র আমার হবে না

কিছু স্বপ্নের অঙ্গীকার চোখ খুলে দেখি অন্ধকার
মৃত হৃদয়ে কুয়াশায় রোধ আবারো দূরে সরায়
ঠোটে ঠোট রেখে দুটো মন হারিয়ে থাকে সারাক্ষণ
বাস্তবে তুমি অনেক দূর মিছে আশায় দিন যাপন
কত কত স্মৃতি রয়েছে গাঁথা তোমার তেপ্রান্তরে
সীমাহীন এই মৃত চাহিদায় আমি হেরেছি বারে বার
তুমি তেপান্তর তোমার শেষ প্রান্তর দেখা যায় না
তুমিতে প্রান্তর তোমার শেষ মন্ত্র আমার হবে না

Meaning of Tepantar Lyrics

Tepantar lyrics reflect a deep and poignant exploration of love, loss, and the yearning for connection that feels forever out of reach. The speaker conveys a profound sense of despair over a love that is unattainable, suggesting that they have resigned themselves to the reality that they will never be reunited with the one they cherish. This sense of finality permeates the lyrics, where the speaker’s desires and dreams seem to wither away without direction, lost in a void.

The imagery of “love cast aside” and a heart “burning” indicates the intensity of their emotional pain. The metaphor of sleepless nights spent in the embrace of memories highlights the struggle between the past and present; memories linger, yet they are also a source of anguish. The speaker feels that their suffering has gone unnoticed, as if their pain was invisible to the beloved, who remains an elusive figure in their life.

Tepantar lyrics phrase “you are a vast land, your final edge cannot be seen” serves as a powerful metaphor for the beloved’s emotional distance. It suggests that the speaker perceives their love as boundless yet ultimately unreachable, reinforcing the theme of longing. The mention of unfulfilled dreams and the darkness that follows them underscores a sense of hopelessness, suggesting that the dreams they once held dear have turned to shadows.

Tepantar Lyrics

The recurring motif of separation emphasizes the chasm between the speaker and their beloved. Despite the intimate moments shared, there is a recognition that reality is starkly different from the dreams they inhabit. The distance becomes a character in itself—perpetually present yet perpetually out of reach. The speaker’s struggle to maintain hope amidst this despair reflects a universal experience of heartache.

Furthermore, the lyrics evoke a sense of inevitability regarding this unrequited love. The phrase “your final mantra will not be mine” indicates an acceptance that, despite the depth of their feelings, the beloved will never reciprocate in the way the speaker desires. This recognition is painful, yet it also carries a weight of wisdom; the speaker acknowledges the futility of clinging to a love that cannot be realized.

Tepantar Lyrics

Tepantar lyrics imagery of dreams shrouded in darkness speaks to the broader human experience of grappling with unattainable ideals. The speaker’s journey through this emotional landscape reveals a profound introspection, as they navigate through memories that are both cherished and painful. The contrast between dreams and reality serves to amplify their sense of isolation.

In essence, the song captures the bittersweet essence of love—its ability to uplift and devastate simultaneously. It articulates the complexity of human emotions, the way love can transform into longing, and the struggle to find closure when faced with an unyielding absence. The profound sense of loss is interwoven with an acknowledgment of beauty; even in pain, there is a recognition of what once was.

Tepantar lyrics resonate with anyone who has experienced the heartache of loving someone from afar, reflecting the bittersweet reality of love that exists in the shadows. The journey from hope to acceptance is poignantly laid bare, leaving the listener with a deep appreciation for the complexities of love and the resilience required to navigate its often tumultuous path.

Song – Tepantar
Lyrics – Anik Narayan Deb
Mix Master & Recording – Shankar Das
Vocals – Anik Narayan Deb
Video – Mukherjee Studio Video (solo part) – Rahul (rj)
Video Edit – Rahul (rj)
Cast – Sintu, Nisha, Joyrup, Bikram, Jit

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