Prem Nayi Ba Holo Lyrics

Prem Nayi Ba Holo Lyrics | প্রেম নাই বা হল | Chhabi Biswas | Nilayan Chatterjee 

Prem Nayi Ba Holo Lyrics

যখন রঙিন ছবিগুলো
চোখে জ্বালা ধরায়
খুঁজে পাবে আমায় মনোক্রমে
তোমার আঙ্গুল ফাঁকে দেখি স্বপ্ন ঘর বাঁধা
ভাঙ্গা এক মনের প্রতিক্রমে
তুমি গল্প হয়ে থাকলেও আমারই থেকো
অল্প করে থাকলেও আমারই থেকো
প্রেম নাই বা হলো ক্ষতি নেই
প্রেম নাই বা হলো ক্ষতি নেই

পড়েছো নজরে একেছো শহরে ব্যথাদের স্বরলিপি
কেন যে সাজালে পড়ে থাকা যত স্তূপকার স্মৃতিটি
যখন ক্যামেরায় দেখা দিয়েছো চরিত্র হয়ে থেকো
পাপ পুণ্যের মাঝেও পবিত্র হয়ে থেকো
প্রেম নাই বা হলো ক্ষতি নেই
প্রেম নাই বা হলো ক্ষতি নেই

হাঁটতে হাঁটতে কখনো কোন সময় হবো ক্লান্ত জানো তো
অভাবে প্রেম হারাবেই হব দুজনে বিভ্রান্ত জানো তো
তখন গল্প হতে চাইলে আমারই থেকো
অল্প করেই থাকলে আমারই থেকো
প্রেম নাই বা হলো ক্ষতি নেই
হ্যাঁ প্রেম নাই বা হলো ক্ষতি নেই

যখন রঙিন ছবিগুলো
চোখে জ্বালা ধরায়
খুঁজে পাবে আমায় মনোক্রমে

Meaning of Prem Nayi Ba Holo Lyrics

Prem nayi ba holo lyrics delves into the poignant themes of love, memory, and the passage of time, framed through a reflective and somewhat melancholic lens. It presents a lyrical exploration of a relationship that may not have culminated in romantic love, yet remains deeply significant to the narrator.

Prem nayi ba holo lyrics opening lines speak to the sensory overload of vivid memories or images that provoke discomfort or emotional pain. These “colorful pictures” could symbolize past moments or emotional experiences that resurface with intensity, causing a form of inner agitation. Amidst this turmoil, the narrator seeks solace in a contemplative state, where they might find comfort in their dreams or memories, even if they are fleeting or fragmented.

Prem nayi ba holo lyrics expresses a yearning for a connection that transcends conventional romantic expectations. The narrator desires that even if love did not fully materialize, the other person remains an integral part of their existence. This sentiment is encapsulated in the lines, “Even if love didn’t happen, it doesn’t matter,” which suggest a resignation to the fact that the relationship might not have developed as hoped, yet it still holds value and significance.

Prem Nayi Ba Holo Lyrics

The verses reflect on the impact of past encounters and the way memories are preserved and relived. The reference to “a city’s score of sorrows” implies that these memories are interwoven with personal experiences and perhaps collective emotional narratives. The imagery of arranging memories like a stack of relics underscores the way past experiences are organized and perceived over time.

Prem nayi ba holo lyrics also touches on the idea of identity and presence through the metaphor of being captured on camera. Here, the narrator contemplates the portrayal of their past self or the essence of their relationship as depicted in memories or photographs. There is a desire for purity and sanctity within the complexities of moral and emotional experiences, highlighting an aspiration to remain untainted or true amidst life’s dualities.

Prem Nayi Ba Holo Lyrics

The recurring theme of eventual fatigue or disillusionment is also explored. The narrator acknowledges that there might come a time when exhaustion or confusion sets in, particularly if love seems unattainable. In this state of vulnerability, there is still a wish for the other person to remain as a part of their narrative, even if the form of their relationship changes. This reflects a deep-seated wish for continuity and connection despite the imperfections or shortcomings of the relationship.

Prem nayi ba holo lyrics conveys a sense of acceptance and enduring affection despite the lack of a conventional romantic resolution. It underscores the value of maintaining a bond or connection in some form, whether through memories, shared experiences, or the simple presence of the other person in one’s life. The refrain “Even if love didn’t happen, it doesn’t matter” encapsulates a mature understanding of love’s complexities and the enduring significance of relationships that may not fit traditional definitions of romantic success.

Song – Prem Nayi Ba Holo
Singer, Music Director, Lyricist: Nilayan Chatterjee
Program Arranger : Soumyadip & Shubhadeep

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